- Jack Bookman (Duke)
- Natasha Speer (University of Maine)
Despite the important roles they play in undergraduate mathematics education, little attention has been focused on the preparation of graduate teaching assistants (TAs). In addition, faculty who wish to start or enhance a professional development program for TAs may find it challenging to locate instructional materials. The purpose of CoMInDS is to create an infrastructure, housed and supported by the MAA, to enhance the mathematics community’s ability to provide high quality, teaching-related professional development to graduate students. We will provide background for our efforts, research findings relevant to these issues and we will engage participants in discussion about the need for and design of novice college mathematics instructor professional development. Because the history is short and the numbers are not yet large, this will include both quantitative and qualitative results. We will also share our thoughts on future developments as we seek continual improvement of our program, and to make it available to others.